Thursday, September 10, 2009

My CreCom grad buddy Doug gots himself a shiny new company

My friend and former bass player (as he will probably always be referred to... it's a band guy thing) Doug Darling just co-founded a media production company with another one of my not-so-CreCom friends Dave Lewis.

The name of the company is Tripwire Media Group.

I am super excited for these guys. They're already burning the midnight oil.

Doug graduated from the CreCom program only a couple years ago. It's amazing what the right personality and a good edumacation can do.

For some reason I've written most of this blog with a country bumpkin accent in my head, so I've misspelled some words intentionally. Having fun with words is just swell.

I'm going to be assisting Tripwire with the setup of their new Pro Tools rig this Saturday (sweet, by mentioning this fact I'm well within the theme of this blog). Their plant is a straight Mac facility, which will be new to me becasue I run Pro Tools on a PC. Let this be foreshadow, as I plan to make a posting on my experiences working with Pro Tools on a PC.

Check out their site, and please pass leads on to these guys, they do great work!